24 Etudes - larger print (Printed copy)

24 Etudes - larger print (Printed copy)
The 24 Etudes are available as a free PDF download (instructions below*), but if you'd like a larger print PRINTED copy sent in the post, then this is the item to add to your cart.
*Free PDF download available from The Saxophone Academy - click the link in the YouTube caption
24 two-part etudes
Melodic studies for Saxophone, inspired by the Classical music tradition
for The Saxophone Academy (Director: Wally Wallace, USA)
Aimed at intermediate to highly advanced/professional players
This set of etudes is a reflection on aspects of my personal musical journey, and the more enjoyable challenges encountered across various instrumental canons.
Inspired by a range of composers and touching on differing stylistic tendencies, the etudes aim to meld memories of important aspects of the classical music tradition within my own style, rather than be true pastiche exercises.
Whilst not aiming to be comprehensively methodical in approach to inclusion of every important technical exercise, consideration has been given to providing a range of expectations across a spectrum of technique.
The etudes could be used individually or in short combinations for performance, audition or competition.
Solo Saxophone - book of 24 two-part etudes
Melodic studies for Saxophone
From intermediate to highly advanced/professional level
Each etude is inspired by a particular composer, or memory associated with my own musical journey (whether a teacher, colleague, concert, venue or more abstract memory)