The Dardanelles (Suite)

The Dardanelles (Suite)


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Co-written with Martin Jacoby

4 movements for Saxophone & Piano:-

  • Malta - Soprano Sax

  • Search for Ephesus - Alto Sax

  • Yalta - Tenor Sax

  • Istanbul - Soprano Sax


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Duration: c.10 minutes

The Dardanelles suite (excerpts)
The Dardanelles (EP)

Journeying around the Black Sea by ship, with a new port every day, each town was so very different in character & provided its own adventure. Sketches were written daily to capture the various moods and feel of the cities. 

Reflecting back on memories, sketches were developed to form a suite of short movements. Each is a snapshot of the town's atmosphere, only experienced for a few hours before setting sail again. 

The Dardanelles - i. Malta (excerpt)
The Dardanelles (EP)
The Dardanelles - ii. Search for Ephesus (excerpt)
The Dardanelles (EP)
The Dardanelles - iii. Yalta (excerpt)
The Dardanelles (EP)
The Dardanelles - iv. Istanbul (excerpt)
The Dardanelles (EP)
The Dardanelles - Sample page 3 - Yalta.jpg
The Dardanelles - Sample page 4 - Istanbul.jpg
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Razem (Together) - SOPRANO SAX VERSION

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